St Eunan's Cathedral, Raphoe
Situated on the R236, on the bend in the Diamond in Raphoe town centre.
Ordnance Survey Map Reference - Sheet 6 258029
12.00pm Holy Communion (1st, 2nd Sundays)
Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th Sundays)
7.00pm Holy Communion (Except 5th Sunday)
Raymochy Church, Manorcunningham
Situated between Londonderry and Letterkenny on the N13 - near Abbey Cottages
10.45am Holy Communion (1st, 3rd Sundays)
Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th Sundays)
St Lugadius Church, Clonleigh, Lifford
Situated just on the Donegal side of the Lifford Bridge, St Lugadius can be found on 'The Roughan' road. Take the third exit if coming from Strabane direction and head into the village centre.
9.30am Holy Communion (1st, 3rd Sundays)
Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th Sundays)
United Service in rotation on fifth Sunday